Agriculture Livestock


January 08, 2018 0

How to make your Owen EM1 bactria

1: Rice 1/4 cup
2: distilled or spring water1/2(half liter)
4: Cow milk 4 liters
5: Molasses 1 liter
When you collect all this stuff
First of all 
1/4 cup rice mix in the distilled water 
دوستوں EM1 بیکٹیریا بنانے کا طریقہ ۔۔۔ سامان کی تفصیل کچھ یوں ہے ۔۔
1۔ 4 لیٹر گائے کا دودھ۔۔
2۔ چوتھائی کپ چاول کچے ۔۔
3۔ ڈسٹل واٹر۔۔ یا سپرنگ واٹر۔۔ ایک چھوٹی بوتل۔۔
3۔ گڑ کا شیرا۔۔


سب سے پہلے چوتھائی کپ چاول ایک کپ ڈسٹل پانی میں مکس کریں۔ دھیان رکھیں عام پانی استعمال نا کریں ۔ عام پانی میں نمکیات ہوتے ہیں ۔ جو بیکٹیریا کی گروتھ نہیں ہونے دیتے۔ پھر چاول کے پانی کو چھان کر  ایک پلاسٹک کے ائیر ٹائٹ جار میں ڈال دیں  ۔ پھر اسے ایک ہفتے کے لیے رکھ دیں ۔۔
ایک ہفتے کے بعد ایک پلاسٹک کی ائیر ٹائٹ بالٹی یا پلاسٹک کے کنٹینر میں دودھ ڈال کر اس میں چاول کا پانی مکس کر دیں۔ اب ائیر ٹائٹ کر کے ایک ہفتے کے لیے  رکھ دیں ۔


چاول کے پانی اور دودھ کا تناسب 1:10 ہو۔  مثلاً ایک لیٹر چاول کا پانی تو 10 لیٹر دودھ۔ مکس کر کے ائیر ٹائٹ کر دیی ۔
ایک ہفتے بعد اوپن کریں گے تو مکسچر کا دودھ پھٹ چکا ہو گا۔ پانی چھان لیں آپ کا em1 چھنا ہوا پانی ہے۔ اب جیتنا em1 بنا ہے اس میں اتنا گڑ کا شیرا ڈال کر مکس کر لیں ۔۔
شیرا بیکٹیریا کی لائف بڑھائے گا ۔۔


اس مکسچر کو کسی پلاسٹک کے کنٹینر میں ڈال کر فرج میں رکھ دیں ۔۔اور ضرورت کے مطابق 1:20 کی نسبت سے پانی کے ساتھ مکس کر کے استعمال کر لیی ۔۔


organic crop
Wheat crop

فوائد:: یہ بیکٹیریا بھت فائدے مند ہیں ۔ یہ زمین میں نامیاتی مادہ کو بڑھاتے ہیں ۔ ھوا میں ماجور نائٹروجن کو فکس کرتے ہیں ۔۔جن پودوں میں یہ استعمال ہوتے ہیں ان کا بطور خوراک جانوروں اور انسانوں کی صحت پر بہترین اثرات مرتب ہوتے ہیں ۔ ۔ اس مکسچر کو کمپوسٹ اور کمپوسٹ کی چائے میں استعمال کر کے مزید بہتر نتائج حاصل کیے جا سکتے ہیں ۔

Urea phosphate

January 04, 2018 2
Urea phosphate

 Phosphoric acid

How to Improve Urea
You can use urea phosphate in any crop, it gives you the best results urea phosphate is the best source of phosphorus
Using urea phosphate is a good result in all crops
Very good slowly release nitrogen source and available phosphorus source
Best results for all crops. Using urea phosphate and get good results high production in yield very nice product and easy making

phosphoric acid formula


How to make urea phosphate

Urea is widely used as the nitrogen source in Pakistan. But unfortunately, due to different reasons, most of the nitrogen is lost in the form of NH3 gas. Urea is hydrolyzed in soil by microbes to produce ammonia and carbon dioxide. There are about 10 to 50% losses in this way, depending upon soil moisture, temperature and pH values.
Wheat crop protection
These losses can be avoided by producing urea derivatives. One of the most valuable derivatives is
Best results
Urea phosphate is very good fertilizer you can use it in every crop and its use increases production, you use it in a three splits crop.

Urea Phosphate.

This product is manufactured by different companies and is sold at a very high price. Commercially it is available in the crystalline form containing 17% N and 44 P2O5. It is dissolved in water and used as fertigation, having very low pH value. It stabilizes urea by retarding its hydrolysis, so available for longer time and N losses are at its minimum value.
wheat crop results
Results urea phosphate

If this product is unavailable or non-purchasable then you can produce it on your own in the very simple way. For one acre take 12 kg 85% phosphoric acid, add 7.5 kg urea in it and wait for 3 to 4 hours. A spontaneous reaction will produce urea phosphate addition compound, which can be crystallized out. Crystallization is more technical and also we don't need a crystallized product. So just add water to this solution and use for fertigation for one acre. Use of this product in at least 3 splits in wheat,
rice, maize, cotton and 5 splits in sugarcane.
12.5 kg phosphoric acid+7 kg urea this Dose is one acre
Take best results in half expenses.
Just use for agriculture
Wheat crop management
This product is very nice for crops
Love your plants

phosphoric acid buy

prize over all 
45$ / 35 kg

Wheat Lodging issues

January 03, 2018 0
Wheat Lodging issues

Wheat crop lodging problems

Wheat crop falls down when it is 3 months, Wheat Lodging issues Because of this time watering the crop is necessary After watering, the roots become weak when the cold air moves, the crop falls If you want to save the crop from falling, read this article

over the past week or two I've had a lot of questions about lodging so i want to spend just a few minutes here with you today talking about what lodging is why it's caused what we can do to reduce it hopefully eliminate it altogether so obviously to start out what lodging is here behind me you can see an area of the that's obviously lodged it's flat on the ground okay ,
so that's basically what lodging is there's actually two types of lodging the first one is what we're seeing here which is what we call stem lodging okay,
when you look at the base of the plant the base of the plant is actually kinked allowing the plant to fall over okay,
so that's basically stem lodging this base of the plnat got damaged and the plant falls over the other type of lodging is sometimes what we see in North Dakota in the Red River valley under conventional tillage we also see it quite a bit in california and arizona agin under conventional tillage when the soil is supersaturated in a tilled system and you don't  have a super amount of root growth or root structure again in saturated soils and in combination with strong it actually blows the plants over or it can blow the plants  over and that will be similar is what you see somtimes when the whole tree rolls over under strong winds perhaps and you start seeing the whole roots pivoting out of the ground so the whole tree lays over horizonatally and the roots roll over that's basically ,
what you see in some of these wheat fields when you see root lodging so two types of lodging okay,
this way is actually starting to stand back up so depending on when it lodges that will obviously dictate how much the week will stand back up and that obviously helps with harvest,
if you got to feel total what I call road rollers flat on the ground it's really a challenge to harvest especially laying all directions now,
if you just lay in all the same direction oftentimes farmers can cut across you know one way and then the other across the down wheat or lodged wheat and it makes harvest a  lot easier but making harvest a little easier still is what you see in here when the plants start to stretch back up and that does make harvest a little easier 


While wheat cultivation 
1 Bag SOP (sulphat of potash)

Benefits of potash

no lodging problem and high yield 

Organic Fertilizers and Compost

January 02, 2018 0
Organic Fertilizers and Compost


If you do not use chemicals and just try to fertilize your plants the organic way it can prove to be a pretty difficult task. Chemical fertilizers are definitely more convenient. Most of them come in a form that must be mixed with water followed by being sprayed on the plants. But organic gardeners also have a great way to fertilize their garden, namely compost.
Compost organic

Organic fertilizer

You must pay particular attention to the package in case you intend to buy the store ready compost. Some of them are high in one of the major nutrients, but lack other important ones. Plants usually need nitrogen, phosphorus plus potassium. Specialists recommend that you study what your plants need and choose a pre made compost that will suit your plant's needs.
Our mission organic world

When you fertilize you must be careful when you do it since the soil should be warm. For the fertilizer to work, it needs certain organisms from the soil to release the nutrients, which the fertilizer possesses.

A few of the most organic fertilizers are fish emulsion, cottonseed, blood meal, manure, compost, and seaweed. Most of the above mentioned fertilizers can be bought, but most of them can actually be made at home.

Fish emulsion is a popular organic fertilizer. It's a combination made mostly of decomposed fish. This is a nitrogen-based fertilizer, and it also includes lots of trace elements that can help the plant grow. Fish emulsion is a beneficial, well-balanced fertilizer.

Cottonseed meal

 is also a much-used organic fertilizer. It's a byproduct of cotton's production process. It's ideal for acid-loving plants, as it creates an acid reaction in the soil. It usually contains about 7% nitrogen, 3% phosphorus, potash plus 2%. Cottonseed meal is usually used for flowering plants like azaleas plus rhododendrons.

Blood meal is blood that is purchased from cattle slaughterhouses then dried and mixed into powder. It's high nitrogen content, you must be cautious so not to burn the plants. You should never dosed more than the recommended amount, since extra dosage could have a negative effect on your plant. Blood meal is high in some micronutrients such as iron.

Manure is a balanced fertilizer, but it's comparatively low in the nutrients it contains. It's a well-liked fertilizer, but it just is not high in these important nutrients to make it a viable choice for gardeners.

Some people use their sewage sludge as a fertilizer. It's made from recycled material from wastewater treatment plants. You are able to buy activated sludge, which has more nutrients.

Organic gardeners

 often use seaweed fertilizer in the type of seaweed tea. Dried seaweed is mixed with water and brewed like tea, and then it is used like any other liquid fertilizer. This can be an excellent fertilizer especially that it won't burn plants. It's rich in nutrients.
More Best organic fertilizers compost and tips contact me

Blueberry Plants

January 02, 2018 0
Blueberry Plants

Organic blueberry 

This article lists the seasonal duties that need to be performed to insure strong and fruitful plants. For any plant that produces fruit you should not add too much or too little fertilizer, because too much fertilizer can be toxic to your plant or result in nutrient imbalances. Blueberries are very sensitive to over fertilization.

Schedule for Annual Fertilization for Organically Grown Blueberries

This is a fertilization program for blueberry plants developed over time by a successful organic grower of blueberry plants.

Early to mid-spring top-dress the blueberries with a balanced organic fertilizer such as Re-Vita Pro fertilizer (5-4-5). This is an all natural blend with higher nitrogen and potash levels Spread about 1/4 to 1/2 pound uniformly around the plant. The amount you apply depends on the age and size of the plant (more fertilizer for older plants and less for younger plants). If you use alfalfa pellets, you should double the amounts suggested above for the Re-Vita Pro. Fox Farm Soil and Fertilizer Company market an organic, acid-loving fertilizer for plants that is good for blueberries. Their fertilizers are built around the use of earthworm castings.)

After flowers have fallen, begin applying the liquid fertilizer to the plants. This is applied every two weeks through July. The liquid fertilizer can be delivered though drip irrigation system, and applied only to the root zone.

Recipe for Liquid Fertilizer

Aerated compost tea:

 To make a 1 gallon of mixture, add the following amounts to 1 gallon of aerated compost tea: The aerated compost tea is important because it will add healthy microbes to the soil which will make the nutrients in the soil more available to the plants.
Add 2 tablespoon Neptune's Harvest Hydrolyzed Fish Fertilizer --(2-4-1).
Add ½ tablespoon Maxicrop Liquidized Sea weed or other liquid kelp.
Add ½ tablespoon Black strap molasses.
You can irrigate the day before applying the liquid fertilizer mixture. Typically on mature plants apply about 5 gallon, use less for younger plants. For young plants just planted last year use 1 to 2 gallons of this mixture. Smaller lowbush plants require less than highbush plants.

You can also use this solution to foliar feed the plants. However, leave out the hydrolyzed Fish Fertilizer part if you foliar spray plants with blueberries that are ripening.

When using water that is a little alkaline, you can put in some vinegar in the mixture.

Another critical feature of a good fertility program is mulching. Mulch breaks down over time to provide nutrients to the blueberry plants that is not available in commercial fertilizers. The mulch should be at least 3 1/2 inches thick. The mulch needs to be very coarse and porous so that water can percolate through the mulch easily. This is the reason the leaves need to be chopped or shredded otherwise they repel water from entering the growing area. The compost tea will add microbes which will break down the mulch proving nutrients to the plants. Adding some nitrogen to the mulch will help the microbes break down the mulch and release nutrients for the plants.


This article lists the seasonal duties that need to be performed to insure strong and fruitful plants. A schedule for annual fertilization for organically grown blueberries is discussed. This is a fertilization program for blueberry plants developed over time by a successful organic grower of blueberry plants.