Corn plant - Agriculture Livestock

Corn plant


How to grow maiz crop
Maize is very popular crop in the world. But few farmers not awareness management of corn crop.  So we have written this article. You will find all the information in this article. If you want to get good income from the corn crop, you should follow it. You can change it according to your area

Before cultivating corn crops, you increased arganic meter in the ground
girl in plant
Girl in crop plant

corn plant care

At sowing time 1.5 bag DAP, 1 bag SOP.
After germination:
10th day: half bag nitrophos + half bag urea + 2kg sulphur.
25th day:
Half bag urea + 1 ammonium sulphate ( engro agri grade ).+ 2 kg  select EDTA chelated zinc  by Kanzo.
45th day:
Half bag nitrophos+ half bag urea.
65th day:
Urea phosphate
1 bag urea+ 12.5 kg water soluble SOP.
In April & May water management should be top priority bcoz that's most important at that stage.
Best & economical other inputs for corn crop are:
Seed treatment: contest ( thiomethagazam ) 50 gms per bag by Kanzo
Potash: use liquid potash 10 liters per

corn plants
Beautiful crop


Weedicide spray within 24 hours of sowing the seed: Click 750 ml by Kanzo.


  • Two applications of "danedar zehar" are must & furadan of Fmc is best. One application as soon as possible & second at 3 to 4 feet stage.

Above information is only based on personal experiences & evaluations, so one can have different point of view.

soil testing

You must need to test the Land before sowing
I hope this will increase the output of more than 100 mund

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