Wheat crop management - Agriculture Livestock

Wheat crop management

Wheat management

You are follow this role and above 70+ production per acre

How can wheat production be taken more than 70 munds+ per acre

First of all, analyze your land And set up your farming program according to the fertilizers in the earth

Land Management

Usually, it has been observed that many fields lack substantial fertilizers
We will tell you the schedule of fertilizers for wheat completely 
land cultivation
Before cultivation

Fertilizer plan

1.You prepare your land in a good way
2.At the time of the preparation of the ground, you should put 2 bags DAP or any good phosphorus source

3. Add half a bag of urea with it
4. Also add 5 to 10kg magnesium sulfate
5. 1 bag sop 25 kg
6. If you have a sample of salt in your land, then take 10 bags of gypsum

7. Add Sulfur 8 to 10kg

After putting these things into the land
You cultivate wheat

Seed treatment

Early November cultivate  50kg seed of wheat
Late November cultivate  60 kg seed of wheat

Seed treatment is must by fungicide pesticides
Drill seed in land or
Depending on you how cultivate it

First irrigation

The first water depends on your cultivation
The first water is generally used for 21 to 25 days
Watering the first wheat is very important because wheat consumes its roots due to the first water supply of wheat and it is used well to fertilize.
wheat crop
After first irrigation

1.In this, use half a bag urea
2. 5 kg zinc sulfate
3. 1 kg copper
4. 3 kg bric acid
5. 2 to 3 kg Fer
Mix in drum and flood your land
After 8 to 10 days of watering

Sapray for weeds

After spray
And half bag urea throw in land
second irrigation  wheat
After second irrigation

Second irrigation

50 to 60  later
1. Just 1 bag urea or (any nitrogen source)

After second irrigation
Spray for weeds

3/4 days after weed spray
1 liter NPK mix 100 liter Water
Spray your wheat crop

3rd irrigation

1. Half Bag urea or any nitrogen source
2. Potash liquid 10 liter
3. urea phosphate 20 kg
After irrigation
Spray high quality NPK

I think If you do this properly, God will increase your production more than 70 munds per acre