Wheat Lodging issues - Agriculture Livestock

Wheat Lodging issues

Wheat crop lodging problems

Wheat crop falls down when it is 3 months, Wheat Lodging issues Because of this time watering the crop is necessary After watering, the roots become weak when the cold air moves, the crop falls If you want to save the crop from falling, read this article

over the past week or two I've had a lot of questions about lodging so i want to spend just a few minutes here with you today talking about what lodging is why it's caused what we can do to reduce it hopefully eliminate it altogether so obviously to start out what lodging is here behind me you can see an area of the that's obviously lodged it's flat on the ground okay ,
so that's basically what lodging is there's actually two types of lodging the first one is what we're seeing here which is what we call stem lodging okay,
when you look at the base of the plant the base of the plant is actually kinked allowing the plant to fall over okay,
so that's basically stem lodging this base of the plnat got damaged and the plant falls over the other type of lodging is sometimes what we see in North Dakota in the Red River valley under conventional tillage we also see it quite a bit in california and arizona agin under conventional tillage when the soil is supersaturated in a tilled system and you don't  have a super amount of root growth or root structure again in saturated soils and in combination with strong it actually blows the plants over or it can blow the plants  over and that will be similar is what you see somtimes when the whole tree rolls over under strong winds perhaps and you start seeing the whole roots pivoting out of the ground so the whole tree lays over horizonatally and the roots roll over that's basically ,
what you see in some of these wheat fields when you see root lodging so two types of lodging okay,
this way is actually starting to stand back up so depending on when it lodges that will obviously dictate how much the week will stand back up and that obviously helps with harvest,
if you got to feel total what I call road rollers flat on the ground it's really a challenge to harvest especially laying all directions now,
if you just lay in all the same direction oftentimes farmers can cut across you know one way and then the other across the down wheat or lodged wheat and it makes harvest a  lot easier but making harvest a little easier still is what you see in here when the plants start to stretch back up and that does make harvest a little easier 


While wheat cultivation 
1 Bag SOP (sulphat of potash)

Benefits of potash

no lodging problem and high yield 

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