Organic Fertilizers and Compost - Agriculture Livestock

Organic Fertilizers and Compost


If you do not use chemicals and just try to fertilize your plants the organic way it can prove to be a pretty difficult task. Chemical fertilizers are definitely more convenient. Most of them come in a form that must be mixed with water followed by being sprayed on the plants. But organic gardeners also have a great way to fertilize their garden, namely compost.
Compost organic

Organic fertilizer

You must pay particular attention to the package in case you intend to buy the store ready compost. Some of them are high in one of the major nutrients, but lack other important ones. Plants usually need nitrogen, phosphorus plus potassium. Specialists recommend that you study what your plants need and choose a pre made compost that will suit your plant's needs.
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When you fertilize you must be careful when you do it since the soil should be warm. For the fertilizer to work, it needs certain organisms from the soil to release the nutrients, which the fertilizer possesses.

A few of the most organic fertilizers are fish emulsion, cottonseed, blood meal, manure, compost, and seaweed. Most of the above mentioned fertilizers can be bought, but most of them can actually be made at home.

Fish emulsion is a popular organic fertilizer. It's a combination made mostly of decomposed fish. This is a nitrogen-based fertilizer, and it also includes lots of trace elements that can help the plant grow. Fish emulsion is a beneficial, well-balanced fertilizer.

Cottonseed meal

 is also a much-used organic fertilizer. It's a byproduct of cotton's production process. It's ideal for acid-loving plants, as it creates an acid reaction in the soil. It usually contains about 7% nitrogen, 3% phosphorus, potash plus 2%. Cottonseed meal is usually used for flowering plants like azaleas plus rhododendrons.

Blood meal is blood that is purchased from cattle slaughterhouses then dried and mixed into powder. It's high nitrogen content, you must be cautious so not to burn the plants. You should never dosed more than the recommended amount, since extra dosage could have a negative effect on your plant. Blood meal is high in some micronutrients such as iron.

Manure is a balanced fertilizer, but it's comparatively low in the nutrients it contains. It's a well-liked fertilizer, but it just is not high in these important nutrients to make it a viable choice for gardeners.

Some people use their sewage sludge as a fertilizer. It's made from recycled material from wastewater treatment plants. You are able to buy activated sludge, which has more nutrients.

Organic gardeners

 often use seaweed fertilizer in the type of seaweed tea. Dried seaweed is mixed with water and brewed like tea, and then it is used like any other liquid fertilizer. This can be an excellent fertilizer especially that it won't burn plants. It's rich in nutrients.
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