Agriculture Livestock : Wheat
Showing posts with label Wheat. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wheat. Show all posts

Soil nutrients

February 20, 2018 0
Soil nutrients

Wheat nutrition

How to make your own nutrients for wheat crop at home easy and simple This is a cheap and easy formula Its use will definitely increase your production , If you want your product to grow, follow this formula this is a very important for the crop .
Best of agriculture nutrients formulation please read full article i hope you will get best results from this information.
How to get 70+ wheat production
Wheat crop production
Wheat after harvesting


Any crop depends on its fertilizers Because its use increases production, But it should be accurate If you want to know more about it, click the link below

Nutrients Formula

1: Ferrous sulfate 200 gm
2: Copper sulfate  150 gm
3: Boran.                 250 gm
Mix these things and spray with 100 liters water i hope you will increase be taken more than 70+ production

Wheat fertilizer recommendation

I recommended organic fertilizers more information of organic click this link 

Wheat Crop

February 07, 2018 0
Wheat Crop

How to make fertilizers

Wheat crop is a successful crop in the world because it reduces its cost and profit is more and it needs every person living in the world This article is a great article for wheat farming farmers Here we will tell you about the wheat fertilizer how you can make the fertilizer and spray it on wheat because it is very beneficial.
Wheat crop production
Beautiful girl crop

How to make compost

The compost is a very beneficial thing, not only by putting it into the ground, can increase the fertility of the land, but also reduce the cost of fertilizers, the earth becomes very good and the production increases because it Bacteria grow very good for crops
The things you need to make a compost are as follows:
It's a 100kg recipe that you can do more to it according to your needs
1: Animal waste 63 kg
2: Grass or green leafs 30 kg
3: Molasses 2 kg
4: Em1 bacteria 1 liter
5: Tree-clay ( Some soil under the tree) 4 kg 
It's a 100kg recipe that you can do more to it according to your needs, And then make a pile And then cover it with a shopper After ten to fifteen days, open it and mix it and then cover it with a shopper, Do this process for three times, two months later your compost is ready
Use 20 to 25 bags per acre

How to make fish amino acid

Fish amino acids are good because it is organic, The result is very good
It is very good for crops because its use brings new branches in the crop that increases production and it is sprayed after three months after wheat crop, It accelerates the protein process in the plant. 
The things required for making fish amino acids are as follows
1: fish with waste 1 kg
2: molasses 1 kg
Mix them well and then put them in a container and shut them off.
It's ready after a month Now open it and filter it in a cloth
A Litter Fish amino acid with 100 liter water use of any crop
How to make Urea phosphate

Em1 microorganisms

This is a bacteria 
It's great for crops 

Wheat farm

January 28, 2018 0
Wheat farm

Wheat plant

Wheet farming is a profitable business. You can also start it, if you have a land.You start it as a good farmer and make a lot of profits because it has become a very profitable business, due to the fact that the world's population is growing and food needs too. If you want to do this then I will let you know the advice
Wheat crop production technology

Girl in crop
wheat crop

How to start farm

First of all you need to know about your land
Now I write a few things to youYou must strictly follow the instructions
1. Analysis your soi 
2. Seed knowledge 
3. Plant knowledge 
4. Fertilizer management 
5. Farming rules 
6. Your interesting 
7. Your Passion
8. Pesticides application
9. Harvesting 
10. Good machines
11. Labor monitoring
12. Market to Sell
Wheat crop management


Harvest machine
wheat harvester

Cutting wheat is an important matter, therefore, when harvesting wheat you should use a good machine so that your crops are not bad enough to cut the crop, out of which, to cut through the best Harvesting if you do not make a laugh
Manage your farm

Farm plant

It is very important to know about the plant
I Hope you like it
Others information plz contact me my contact form 

Wheat Lodging issues

January 03, 2018 0
Wheat Lodging issues

Wheat crop lodging problems

Wheat crop falls down when it is 3 months, Wheat Lodging issues Because of this time watering the crop is necessary After watering, the roots become weak when the cold air moves, the crop falls If you want to save the crop from falling, read this article

over the past week or two I've had a lot of questions about lodging so i want to spend just a few minutes here with you today talking about what lodging is why it's caused what we can do to reduce it hopefully eliminate it altogether so obviously to start out what lodging is here behind me you can see an area of the that's obviously lodged it's flat on the ground okay ,
so that's basically what lodging is there's actually two types of lodging the first one is what we're seeing here which is what we call stem lodging okay,
when you look at the base of the plant the base of the plant is actually kinked allowing the plant to fall over okay,
so that's basically stem lodging this base of the plnat got damaged and the plant falls over the other type of lodging is sometimes what we see in North Dakota in the Red River valley under conventional tillage we also see it quite a bit in california and arizona agin under conventional tillage when the soil is supersaturated in a tilled system and you don't  have a super amount of root growth or root structure again in saturated soils and in combination with strong it actually blows the plants over or it can blow the plants  over and that will be similar is what you see somtimes when the whole tree rolls over under strong winds perhaps and you start seeing the whole roots pivoting out of the ground so the whole tree lays over horizonatally and the roots roll over that's basically ,
what you see in some of these wheat fields when you see root lodging so two types of lodging okay,
this way is actually starting to stand back up so depending on when it lodges that will obviously dictate how much the week will stand back up and that obviously helps with harvest,
if you got to feel total what I call road rollers flat on the ground it's really a challenge to harvest especially laying all directions now,
if you just lay in all the same direction oftentimes farmers can cut across you know one way and then the other across the down wheat or lodged wheat and it makes harvest a  lot easier but making harvest a little easier still is what you see in here when the plants start to stretch back up and that does make harvest a little easier 


While wheat cultivation 
1 Bag SOP (sulphat of potash)

Benefits of potash

no lodging problem and high yield 

Wheat Crop production technology

January 02, 2018 0
Wheat Crop production technology

World population

The world's population is growing,
So food needs more food wheat is the food of all the people of the world, It is a matter of meeting the growing population of the world's growing population, Food production has to be increased to meet people's food.
Wheat meets the needs of 70 percent of the world's food,
To meet the food we have to increase the production of wheat
We will give you some information regarding this.
I hope that if you cultivate a crop according to my given method, your wheat production will increase more than seventy munds per acre.
world population

Wheat production technology

It is easy to increase wheat production but with some hard work. The farmer should read it carefully so that he could increase his production of wheat crop
1. Soil Analyze
First of all
You must need to test the Land before sowing
It is important to analyze the land because,
Without testing you do not know which fertilizers are high and which are lower
2. Land Preparation 
Land must be well prepared,
Take a big hill so that it goes down, By doing this, Plant roots are strong and goes deep,
Growth of the plant is good and good fruiting
One of the benefits is also that. The substances in the ground go down with water.
Wheat production

3. Fertilizer plane
Fertilizers plan is very important for farming,
Because timing is very important,
your knowledge and experience,
1. On sowing time
 2 bags DAP or other phosphorus sources
1 bag UREA or other nitrogen sources
1 bag SOP (sulfate of potash)
10 kg magnesium sulfate
5 bag high-quality compost
2. First irrigation 
21 days old at sowing first irrigation, and flood 5 kg zinc sulfate 5 kg magnesium half bag urea in Flood it.
Use: 20 liters em1 bacteria in another drum
2nd irrigation 
50 to 55 days old at sowing
Use Urea phosphate 3 splits (12.5 kg urea +7.5 kg phosphoric acid for one split
3rd irrigation 
Use liquid potash high quality 10 kg per acre
Half bag urea  and 2 kg boric acid
Seed of wheat
Seed treatment

4. Seed Treatment 
Seed treatment use must be fungicide imidacloperd70ws
Or Microorganisms
5. Weeds control 
Weeds must be controlled because they reduce 15 to 40 percent of the production
First herbicide spray 30 days old and 2nd spray 55 to 60 days old at sowing
6. Foliar Applications 
Foliar application mean spray of fertilizers
1st spray fertilizer 70 days old wheat crop
Spay of NPK 2kg per acre with 100 liters water  and mix in boran 200 gram per acre
7. Micronutrients 
Micronutrients very important elements in your plant
1 zinc sulfate 5 kg
2 magnesium sulfate
3 boric acid
4 Ferris
5 copper
All micronutrients in using your plant but before reading  your soil analyze and uses others recipe
8. Foot Fertilizer
It's a fertilizer. But few people know about it. For this, you have to walk on the ground, which gives the plant
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