Wheat Crop - Agriculture Livestock

Wheat Crop

How to make fertilizers

Wheat crop is a successful crop in the world because it reduces its cost and profit is more and it needs every person living in the world This article is a great article for wheat farming farmers Here we will tell you about the wheat fertilizer how you can make the fertilizer and spray it on wheat because it is very beneficial.
Wheat crop production
Beautiful girl crop

How to make compost

The compost is a very beneficial thing, not only by putting it into the ground, can increase the fertility of the land, but also reduce the cost of fertilizers, the earth becomes very good and the production increases because it Bacteria grow very good for crops
The things you need to make a compost are as follows:
It's a 100kg recipe that you can do more to it according to your needs
1: Animal waste 63 kg
2: Grass or green leafs 30 kg
3: Molasses 2 kg
4: Em1 bacteria 1 liter
5: Tree-clay ( Some soil under the tree) 4 kg 
It's a 100kg recipe that you can do more to it according to your needs, And then make a pile And then cover it with a shopper After ten to fifteen days, open it and mix it and then cover it with a shopper, Do this process for three times, two months later your compost is ready
Use 20 to 25 bags per acre

How to make fish amino acid

Fish amino acids are good because it is organic, The result is very good
It is very good for crops because its use brings new branches in the crop that increases production and it is sprayed after three months after wheat crop, It accelerates the protein process in the plant. 
The things required for making fish amino acids are as follows
1: fish with waste 1 kg
2: molasses 1 kg
Mix them well and then put them in a container and shut them off.
It's ready after a month Now open it and filter it in a cloth
A Litter Fish amino acid with 100 liter water use of any crop
How to make Urea phosphate

Em1 microorganisms

This is a bacteria 
It's great for crops 

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