Agriculture Livestock : Gardening
Showing posts with label Gardening. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gardening. Show all posts

Vegetable Gardening

March 17, 2018 0
Vegetable Gardening

vegetable gardening containers

Containers range from simple plastic pots Gardening is the practice of growing and cultivating plants as part of horticulture
gardening home

Benefits of gardening

Fresh and nutritious fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables from your own garden are higher in nutrients than the ones that have traveled several thousands miles to get to your grocery store. Having your children assist you in the garden can increase the chance that they will eat more of the fruits and vegetables they have helped to grow.
very good benefits of gardening you are smart and fit
growing your own food vs buying 
Planting your own organic vegetable garden will save you money


Organic seed is produced using practices that follow the National Organic Standard.
starting a vegetabl garden
i hope you must growing home vegetable

Urea phosphate

January 04, 2018 2
Urea phosphate

 Phosphoric acid

How to Improve Urea
You can use urea phosphate in any crop, it gives you the best results urea phosphate is the best source of phosphorus
Using urea phosphate is a good result in all crops
Very good slowly release nitrogen source and available phosphorus source
Best results for all crops. Using urea phosphate and get good results high production in yield very nice product and easy making

phosphoric acid formula


How to make urea phosphate

Urea is widely used as the nitrogen source in Pakistan. But unfortunately, due to different reasons, most of the nitrogen is lost in the form of NH3 gas. Urea is hydrolyzed in soil by microbes to produce ammonia and carbon dioxide. There are about 10 to 50% losses in this way, depending upon soil moisture, temperature and pH values.
Wheat crop protection
These losses can be avoided by producing urea derivatives. One of the most valuable derivatives is
Best results
Urea phosphate is very good fertilizer you can use it in every crop and its use increases production, you use it in a three splits crop.

Urea Phosphate.

This product is manufactured by different companies and is sold at a very high price. Commercially it is available in the crystalline form containing 17% N and 44 P2O5. It is dissolved in water and used as fertigation, having very low pH value. It stabilizes urea by retarding its hydrolysis, so available for longer time and N losses are at its minimum value.
wheat crop results
Results urea phosphate

If this product is unavailable or non-purchasable then you can produce it on your own in the very simple way. For one acre take 12 kg 85% phosphoric acid, add 7.5 kg urea in it and wait for 3 to 4 hours. A spontaneous reaction will produce urea phosphate addition compound, which can be crystallized out. Crystallization is more technical and also we don't need a crystallized product. So just add water to this solution and use for fertigation for one acre. Use of this product in at least 3 splits in wheat,
rice, maize, cotton and 5 splits in sugarcane.
12.5 kg phosphoric acid+7 kg urea this Dose is one acre
Take best results in half expenses.
Just use for agriculture
Wheat crop management
This product is very nice for crops
Love your plants

phosphoric acid buy

prize over all 
45$ / 35 kg