2018 - Agriculture Livestock

organic farming

April 19, 2018 0
organic farming


Organic Pepper Production: Soil Preparation to Harvest, organic farming is the best method for all crops
hi I'm Qasim Abbas Dogar 
one of the farm production managers here at the UCSC farm at the center for agriculture and sustainable food system,
today we're going to talk about transplanting peppers,
I'm going to show you some techniques
and talk about why we do what we do so '
what I'd like to cover first is just a quick review of what we do to the field to get pepper beds ready to transplant,

so we would start with a cover crop in the winter, once the rains have kind of stopped around March or April and the soil is dried down to a workable moisture will mow that cover crop we'll go ahead and incorporate the material with our Spader so all the organic matter gets tucked into the field we would than wait ten to fourteen days for that material to break down afterwards we'd come back through and lift up our beds to make the peaked mounds,

organic farmers

after this step there's a relly important step that we always like to highlight here at the farm which is pre irrigating those listed mounds what that looks like is putting out our raised aluminum pipe our overhead sprinklers onto our listed beds we put down about an inch o an inch and a half of water we  wait again ten to fourteen days what that does is establishes good moisture within the peaked mounds and it also given us a flush of needs that will subsequently come back through and kill as a weed flush it has two main purposes for the bed preparation which is one establish good moisture in the soil profile and to germinate  of weeds that will kill before we even plant the crops so that we're essentially doing weeding before the plant are even in the ground ,

organic seeds

the last step once we have the peak mounds that have been that I've had that we'd flush is to actually come back through and shape the beds and that's where we bring a steel essentially a steel pan over the lifted beds it just flattens out the surface so that you end up with what you see here which is a pretty nice flatbed surface, with the soil just slightly compacted and tucked so that there's good soil contact, so that the moisture can move evenly around the beds ,
so before we actually transplant our crops into bed and I show you our technique what I want to go over briefly is some of the key ideas around transplanting,
and what you're looking for an ideal situation so the first thing I want to cover is moisture in the bed as I had said earlier we pre irrigate our beds so that there's plenty of moisture in the profile and what that will look like is,
if I dig my trowel into this bed and pull it up slowly you can see that there's dry soil on the surface where some of it is dried down but deeper into the bed there's really nice moisture,
that these transplants are going to get planted right into
so ideal moisture is one of our key conditions for ideal transplanting the other thing is the kind of environmental conditions,
so right now it's pretty sunny but it's still early in the morning ideally I would call in an overcast day but I don't quite have that power yet so we'll deal with it as we can at least it's in the morning so the sun isn't all the way the peak ideally, 

you want to be transplanting in the morning or in the late afternoon but definitely not at midday the other thing is that there's no wind right now which is nice again when we'll increase evaporation and stress on the transplants as they get in the ground so no wind again early in the morning or late in the afternoon and ideally  some sun cover but of course you have to do deal with what you have ,
so those are environmental conditions there are also the soil moisture conditions and then let's look actually at the transplants themselves,
so here we're actually going to plant transplanting from two-inch pots today sometimes growers will prick out their peppers into two-inch pots sometimes into the seedling trays which you may have seen earlier in the videos but I'll demonstrate with the inch pots today,
so what we're looking at here is a nice strong transplant when we actually look at the transplant itself coming out of the pot this is really ideally what we want to see and what that is that you can see these kinds of nice white roots at the edges of the pot so this transplant has been growing out but it's not quite root round in the pot itself so this is perfect stage at which to put the transplant in the ground 
more article comment me

How to start a business

March 31, 2018 0
How to start a business

Poultry farming business

how to start a business follow this article
Following a poultry farming for new businessman guide will help you a considerable measure for setting up your new poultry farming business. As poultry farming has effectively turned out to be the lucrative business, so you might start a farm for your new wellspring of salary. In wide, poultry farming means raising different sorts of local fowls monetarily with the end goal of meat, eggs and feather generation. Be that as it may, here we are portraying poultry farming for novices manage about chickens. Chicken's items are among the real wellspring of creature protein, besides meat, pork, and fish. Furthermore, chickens are as of now a necessary piece of human life. Little-scale poultry generation satisfies the creature sustenance interest for a family. Yet, vast scale or business premise poultry farming offers an open door for the general population to gain an enormous measure of cash. That is the reason there are numerous poultry farms out there. Poultry farming is a reasonable business for the general population who are energetic about livestock farming, keeping winged creatures and who are OK with farm life. 

Hen and chicken

Poultry farming is an exceptionally productive business on the off chance that you can run it legitimately under adequate techniques and conditions helpful ridiculous. In reality, each kind of farming business takes after particular operational standards for making great benefit. What's more, when such standards are overlooked by the farm management framework, it brings about genuine loses. So before starting, it is astute to take in more of the business. Take some time and endeavor to comprehend why the vast majority of the poultry farmers make great benefits and some of them fizzle. A portion of the farmers, particular tenderfoots have been constrained out of the business when they couldn't work it legitimately and along these lines lose cash. Fruitful poultry farming business is included with a parcel of works and it's simple in the meantime. However, it's not a languid man's business. You need to do everything convenient and superbly as per an arrangement. However, here we are attempting to examine insights about poultry farming for novices. 

Take the well-ordered process for starting your new poultry farming business. Starting a poultry farming business is simple and included with heaps of normal work in the meantime. Here we are binds to incorporate all points of interest you will require for the business. 

Poultry farming requires speculation. You can mastermind the cash by your own particular or you can apply for bank advance. Both govt. also, non-govt. bank advances are accessible for starting poultry farming business. You should contact your coveted bank for the credit procedure. As a learner, you should start with a base number of flying creatures which will cost you quite less cash.

 Generation types

As a matter of first importance decide the generation kind of your poultry farm. You can raise grill chickens for meat creation reason and pick layers in the event that you need to deliver eggs monetarily. You can likewise start your poultry farm by offering poultry items and reproducing stocks straightforwardly to your neighborhood customers. Decide your creation reason, select appropriate poultry breeds as indicated by your coveted generation and go for the nitty gritty arranging. 

Choosing a decent farm location for your business is essential. You should choose such a location which has every required office and positive for your business. It can be somewhat a long way from the town, where land and work is really shabby. Be that as it may, don't set up the farm to a long way from the town. Since the majority of the towns have high thickness populace, and you need to focus on that market. Additionally endeavor to abstain from setting up the farm in local locations, since poultry farms deliver hostile smell. While choosing the farm location, think about transportation framework and solution offices moreover

Construct house

In the wake of choosing farm location, construct a decent house for your flying creatures. Guarantee every single required office are accessible in the new house. There are three sorts of poultry lodging framework you can utilize. Broad, semi escalated and serious. For a business generation, the escalated framework is generally advantageous. You can bring your flying creatures up in the floor or in the confined framework. On a normal, grill poultry needs around 2.5 square feet space and layer poultry needs around 4 square feet space. For instance, on the off chance that you need to raise 200 layers then you need to guarantee around 800 square feet space is accessible. Around 4 square feet space is required per fledgling in confine framework. Keep in mind to include legitimate lighting and ventilation framework in the house.
poultry farm

You have to purchase some equipment for your poultry farm. Rundown of required equipment are recorded underneath for running a poultry farm effectively. 

In light of the number of winged creatures, you require pretty much labor/work. As an amateur, in the event that you start with a base number of winged animals (200-500) then you can deal with your farm without anyone else's input effortlessly. On the off chance that you anticipate raising more winged animals then you will require extra labor. Guarantee modest work is accessible in your chosen region.
organic chicken farming

Purchasing chicks

In the wake of setting everything up and having everything prepared, purchase quality chicks from trusted reproducer in your general vicinity and start minding them. Set the loner prepared before arriving the chicks from reproducing house to your farm. As a fledgling, it is astute to start with day-old chicks rather than more seasoned chicks. On the off chance that you are an entire learner with no related knowledge, keep the number of chicks to least (anyhow not more than 500). 


Feeding is the most vital piece of poultry farming business. Subsequent to constructing house and purchasing equipment and chicks, you need to spend a lot of cash for feeding your winged animals. Around 70% of your total undertaking costs will go towards the feeding. What's more, the accomplishment in the business additionally relies upon quality and satisfactory feeding. You can purchase the sustain fixings from the market and set up the bolster without anyone else's input or purchase instant poultry encourages the market. Distinctive kinds of business poultry sustains are accessible in the market for each sort of winged animals. It would be ideal if you audit the accompanying site pages for more insights about poultry feeding. 

Health management

As we have said above, you need to guarantee legitimate pharmaceutical framework in your general vicinity. Poultry fowls are inclined to different kinds of illnesses and you must be prepared for controlling them. We know 'aversion is superior to cure', so you must be cognizant and take appropriate care of your fowls to guard them. Inoculate them opportune and dependably attempt to give them new water and sustenance. Likewise, stock some required immunization and solution with the goal that you can utilize them when required.
hen chicks


Great marketing methodologies impact the benefit of your business. On the off chance that you can offer your items in the market effectively, then it will empower you in getting more generation. We generally suggest deciding marketing offices in your general vicinity before starting any farming business. Since your business won't be much benefit in the event that you can't advertise your items legitimately. 

Organic poultry production in the united states

Seek this poultry farming after amateurs guide will help you to get ready for your new business. Before starting, attempt to take in more about the business and visit a few farms if conceivable. Counsel with other farmers in your general vicinity and start with a base number of flying creatures out of the blue. Gather understanding and step by step grow your farm.

Lactic Acid Fermentation

March 22, 2018 0
Lactic Acid Fermentation

lactic acidosis

very easy and simple making the lactic acid fermentation
how to make the lactic acid (microorganism) very easy and simple at home are serious?
read this article I sure this article help you for making the lactic acid fermentation
lactic acid structure

Lactic acid

WELCOME BACK let's talk about lactic acid this article, you will learn how to make em1 solution spring e/m your fields orchards and gardens creates the healthy soil microbes and fungi that your crops need to grow,

lactic acid build up

you will need a mixing bowl EM concentrate that you can buy any fertilizer store for very very little molasses a funnel a tablespoon or any 15-millimeter measure even the top of the soda bottle will do a clean soda bottle 1.5 or 1.75 liters hot water and cool water pour 1 liter of water into,

lactic acid formula

your mixing bowl add 1/2 liter of cool water testing to make sure that the water is a nice warm temperature pour some molasses into a cup so that can spoon it out easily measure 3 spoon of molasses into the warm water be careful to swirl the spoon around until everything is mixed in 3 spoons of E/M concentrate and stir again gently using the funnel pour the EM solution you havemade in your mixing bowl into your clean soda bottleput the top on very tight write the data on bottle and put the bottle in cool shady place like under the kitchen sink 
watch this helpful video.

lactic acid bacteria

you will have to wait 7 days before you can use the EM solution every day you want to open the top of the bottle a little bit to the gas out it makes a little sound when it's done that tighten 
how to make the microorganism

Red Chilli

March 21, 2018 0
Red Chilli

agriculture news

how to grow red chilli best tips and benefits of red chilli agriculture news 

Most of the newwst most popular foods are coming from Asia the Middle East and Ltin America all very different tastes but with one ingredient in common chili peppers so how do you make them bigger and better tasting the man to ask is right here in Arizona in some moments you'll hear ed curry giving directions in spanish no piece gallifrey metal the primero dss a sukkah this is pasyati  other time it's English you guys can walk through the other side and come back then back again where would you go when you get a real sweet flavor and a little bite behind it it's awesome but the language that rolls off at curry's tongue most fluently is probably heated the bright burning soul of chili peppers we got something to really mean they just they hit you and they don't turn loose I don't turn loose for a long time
red chilli
red chilli

red chillies entertainment

How hot will a pepper be ed says without tasting the best way to guess is to look to see how far down the length of the yellow-white fibers does the capsaicin oil go capsaicin oil is what makes chilies hot one?

red chilli benefits

if it's ten it's really hot because the capsizing goes all the way to the end
if it's eight and it's up here if it's a very modern it would be like a to the other thing we watch for is how wide that band of heat

red chili hot peppers

is so the feather that goes down the hotter it is
she: eddy curry is into jeans no not the blue jeans 
jeans like finding and refining the genetic traits of chili peppers what?
we're trying to do here is improve this a Lupino ancho serrano and many more varieties several of the major brands of canned and jarred chili peppers used by major restaurants and grocery stores our varieties Arizona ninety percent of the breeding seeds for green chili peppers in America comes from curry farm he is started growing chili in 1957 

Vegetable Gardening

March 17, 2018 0
Vegetable Gardening

vegetable gardening containers

Containers range from simple plastic pots Gardening is the practice of growing and cultivating plants as part of horticulture
gardening home

Benefits of gardening

Fresh and nutritious fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables from your own garden are higher in nutrients than the ones that have traveled several thousands miles to get to your grocery store. Having your children assist you in the garden can increase the chance that they will eat more of the fruits and vegetables they have helped to grow.
very good benefits of gardening you are smart and fit
growing your own food vs buying 
Planting your own organic vegetable garden will save you money


Organic seed is produced using practices that follow the National Organic Standard.
starting a vegetabl garden
i hope you must growing home vegetable

crops nutrients formulation at home

March 15, 2018 0
crops nutrients formulation at home

About me

March 15, 2018 0
About me

wheat crop harvesting

March 11, 2018 0
wheat crop harvesting

wheat crop harvesting

wheat crop harvesting very important issues
One of the most crucial pieces of farm machinery invented in the past century, the combine harvester turns an incredibly labour intensive process into a one-person job. Harvesting crops without the machine is inefficient and costly. This machine allows practically any farmer with the space to grow oats, rye, barley and wheat.
To really understand how the combine harvester works, we need to go back a bit and take a look at its history.
crop harvesting

Early combine harvesters
Initially invented in America by Hiram Moore, they were quickly adopted by American farmers. By 1860 these early horse and mule drawn machines were in use in farms all over America. An Australian by the name of Hugh Victor McKay developed the first of many commercial combine harvesters in 1885: the Sunshine Harvester.
These early combine harvesters follow the same principle of the engine-driven, self-propelled ones that we use today; the header cuts the crops and sweeps them into whatever storage area it is built with. The combine harvesters of the 19th century would eventually be made with a cutting width of several metres, meaning it would take less time to finish harvesting an entire field.

Self propelled harvesters

The Sunshine Harvester ushered in a new era as the combine made its way around the world. Holt Manufacturing of California also created a self-propelled harvester in 1911, and later, in 1923, the Gleaner Manufacturing Company patented a self-propelled harvester that made use of a number of grain handling improvements like the auger to replace canvas drapers, a rasp bar threshing cylinder and a cylinder that helped thresh closer to the crop. The Gleaner Manufacturing Company would go on to become part of AGCO close to seventy years later, a leading name globally in today's agricultural equipment industry.

Further improvements

A European harvester by the name of 'Herkules' was developed in the 50s by manufacturer CLAAS with the ability to harvest up to 5 tons of wheat every day

wheat crop

Self-cleaning rotary screens, an improvement that was made in the 1960s, put an end to a common issue where engines would overheat because of grains clogging the radiators. The rotary design was another huge improvement that allows the grain to be stripped from the stalk and passed along a rotor.
Today combine harvesters work by sending crop up a feeder throat via a flight elevator, reaching a threshing mechanism where grain and straw are separated. Most machines give you the ability to alter everything about the process manually to get the absolute best yield of crop.
Over a century of innovation and technological advancement has created the machine commonly used by farmers all over the world today. It is these features that make the combine harvester one of the most important pieces of machinery you'll find on any farm

Maize crop production technology

February 22, 2018 0
Maize crop production technology

Corn production technology

Corn crop production technology corn fertilizers corn pesticide uses corn spray information corn pest issues all maize problems
maize crop

Maize sowing

The best time for corn cultivation is the end of February You can also cultivate it at the beginning of March, The land is well prepared After the land is ready, two bags DAP and one bag throw the urea in the ground

Maize seed treatment

Take a hybrid seed of any good company After that, Seed should be treated

Fertilizers plan

2 bags DAP
1 bag Urea
5 kg zinc sulfate 

How to make Organic fertilizers

February 20, 2018 0
How to make Organic fertilizers

Organic farming

The time to come is agriculture

No 1 em1 bacteria (microorganisms, lactic acid) 
No 2 Animals urine and animals waste
No 3 green leafs and graas etc
Mix these things and cover it plastic sheets 
Wait 10 days 
After10 days open and again mix it
Wait again 10 days 
After 20 days open and again mix it 
Once more again 
Your orgainc fertilizer is ready and use it

Soil nutrients

February 20, 2018 0
Soil nutrients

Wheat nutrition

How to make your own nutrients for wheat crop at home easy and simple This is a cheap and easy formula Its use will definitely increase your production , If you want your product to grow, follow this formula this is a very important for the crop .
Best of agriculture nutrients formulation please read full article i hope you will get best results from this information.
How to get 70+ wheat production
Wheat crop production
Wheat after harvesting


Any crop depends on its fertilizers Because its use increases production, But it should be accurate If you want to know more about it, click the link below

Nutrients Formula

1: Ferrous sulfate 200 gm
2: Copper sulfate  150 gm
3: Boran.                 250 gm
Mix these things and spray with 100 liters water i hope you will increase be taken more than 70+ production

Wheat fertilizer recommendation

I recommended organic fertilizers more information of organic click this link 

Lactic Acid

February 13, 2018 0
Lactic Acid


How to make lactic acid and uses of agriculture
It is also called Microorganisms and it also says lactic acid He also has a name EM1
Some people call him Mother culture
Its bacteria (organic culture) 
By the way, it is used in many things such as cosmetic etc. But the use of which we are now going to mention is in the crops. The demand for this technology is increasing in the world We'll let you know how you can make it, If you want to benefit from it, read our article
Microorganisms vegetables
organic vegetables
With EM1


Cellular Respiration is made up of three stages. The first stage is glycolysis and the word glycolysis means the splitting of sugar. Then during this process a six-carbon molecule is broken in half. After the six-carbon molecule is broken in half it forms two three carbon molecules. The second stage is the Citric Acid Cycle and the two molecules of pyruvic acid, the fuel that remains after glycolysis, is not ready for the citric acid cycle.

Also, the pyruvic acid must be converted to a form that the citric acid cycle can use. Next, the citric acid cycle finishes extracting the energy of the sugar by dismantling the acetic acid molecules. Afterwards the acetic acid joins a four-carbon molecule that later forms a six-carbon product called citric acid. Then two Co2 molecules eventually exit as a waste product. The third stage is the Electron Transport the chains are built into the inner membranes of the mitochondria. Those chains pump hydrogen ions across the inner mitochondrial membrane. The pumping causes the ions to become more concentrated on one side of the membrane than on the other side. The results of cellular respiration are that glycolysis and the citric acid cycle each contribute 2 ATP by directly making it.

lactic acid fermentation

Lacto-fermentation is a way of preserving vegetables with naturally occurring lactobacillus bacteria and salt. This ends up turning the sugar in the vegetables into lactic acid and preserves the vitamins and enzymes in the vegetables as well as rendering them more digestible and keeping them for future eating.

This differs from fermenting with yeast, such as in wine and beer making, where the sugar turns into alcohol. And this differs from pickles made with vinegar, more useful with mass production than home preserving and lacking the probiotic benefits.

what is lactic acidosis

The Lacto-fermentation environment has two stages:

First stage - salt brine kills off bacteria, changes the solution to a pH 3, and produces lactic acid.

To process foods for lacto-fermentation, you first wash and then cut or shred the vegetable, like cabbage, and layer it with kosher salt at a rate of 2 teaspoons per pound of cabbage, packing it down as you go with a wooden pounder to remove the air bubbles. This helps bruise the cabbage further and lets the salt enter and draw out the cabbage liquid.

How to improve em1 technology 

Then you put a weight on top of the cabbage to keep it submerged in the liquid coming out of it and mixing with the salt to make brine. If you don't have enough liquid from the cabbage to cover, add a brine made from 1 teaspoon salt to one cup of water. Make sure the water you use for fermenting does not contain chlorine, fluoride, or chloramines, because they will affect the fermenting process. Keeping the cabbage submerged keeps it out of reach of any molds or fungus or any harmful bacteria. These cannot live in the salty brine. Put the jar in a warm place in your kitchen, such as on top of the refrigerator. This then starts stage 2.

Second stage - Lactobacillus blooms and grows in a salty, moist, anaerobic, dark, room temperature environment. The lactobacillus spore was already in the vegetables when it growing in the field. You do not need to add any culture to start the fermentation. The lactobacillus uses up any leftover oxygen in the solution as well as turns any remaining sugar in the vegetables into lactic acid.

Lactic acid uses

Taste your sauerkraut daily, noting when it starts to fizz, then put into the refrigerator and keep tasting until it is sour enough to your taste buds. Then you can eat it. It will last a long time in the refrigerator and keep getting sourer. It's up to you when you want to eat it. Then start a new batch the same way, this time add a bit of the juice brine from this batch.
HOw to make Microorganisms
Contact me if you need more information than this

Wheat Crop

February 07, 2018 0
Wheat Crop

How to make fertilizers

Wheat crop is a successful crop in the world because it reduces its cost and profit is more and it needs every person living in the world This article is a great article for wheat farming farmers Here we will tell you about the wheat fertilizer how you can make the fertilizer and spray it on wheat because it is very beneficial.
Wheat crop production
Beautiful girl crop

How to make compost

The compost is a very beneficial thing, not only by putting it into the ground, can increase the fertility of the land, but also reduce the cost of fertilizers, the earth becomes very good and the production increases because it Bacteria grow very good for crops
The things you need to make a compost are as follows:
It's a 100kg recipe that you can do more to it according to your needs
1: Animal waste 63 kg
2: Grass or green leafs 30 kg
3: Molasses 2 kg
4: Em1 bacteria 1 liter
5: Tree-clay ( Some soil under the tree) 4 kg 
It's a 100kg recipe that you can do more to it according to your needs, And then make a pile And then cover it with a shopper After ten to fifteen days, open it and mix it and then cover it with a shopper, Do this process for three times, two months later your compost is ready
Use 20 to 25 bags per acre

How to make fish amino acid

Fish amino acids are good because it is organic, The result is very good
It is very good for crops because its use brings new branches in the crop that increases production and it is sprayed after three months after wheat crop, It accelerates the protein process in the plant. 
The things required for making fish amino acids are as follows
1: fish with waste 1 kg
2: molasses 1 kg
Mix them well and then put them in a container and shut them off.
It's ready after a month Now open it and filter it in a cloth
A Litter Fish amino acid with 100 liter water use of any crop
How to make Urea phosphate

Em1 microorganisms

This is a bacteria 
It's great for crops 

Tunnel farming

January 30, 2018 0
Tunnel farming

Tunnel farming

Tunnel farming is the best method of non seasonal vegetables cultivation
Testing of tunnel forming
Tunnel farming is the way it produces non-seasonal vegetables
We will give you very important information about tunnel forming
Tunnel farming is the world's successful business if it is done properly, Many people in the world are doing this and are making great profits. To make tunnel farming you need a lot of experience, Tunnel farming is a huge sector if it is considered to be very profitable, it is a non-seasonal vegetable and fruit process.
The tunnel farming is of three types
1. Low tunnel 
2. Walking tunnel 
3. High tunnel
This business is developing a lot in the world The reason for this is that people like a lot of non-seasoned vegetables
Girl in tunnel
high tunnel 

1. Low tunnel

In this, the shoppers are placed only two feet above ground and vegetables are grown It produces vegetables that are tallest or later removed from the shoppers. It costs less and it produces different vegetables Its height reaches two feet and width 4 feet Depending on here, what do you want to cultivate in the same way as you want to cultivate the height and width of it
It costs $ 700 to 800
Low tunnel
Low tunnel 

2. Walking tunnel 
As the name is displayed walking tunnel This means that a tunnel in which a person can move The height of which is 8 feet and width 7 feet It depends on you, you can even minimize it according to your crop It is cultivated vegetables with which the bull goes up with the net And in this man, any human can walk, so that he can see his crop It is also easy to spray and fertilizer is also easy And it also makes vegetable pickles easy
It costs US $ 2000 to $ 3000
Tunnel farming

3. High tunnel 
This is a big tunnel Its height is 12 to 15 feet
It is planted once and then it can also be cultivated again with a tractor Because in this the tractor goes smoothly It is very easy to spray and walk and fertilize it Vegetables are easily picked up in it It costs approximately 5 to 6,000 dollars

We hope you have liked this information as well, we will continue to update you for further information To learn more about tunnel farming, read the daily to our post because we update it everyday.

Wheat farm

January 28, 2018 0
Wheat farm

Wheat plant

Wheet farming is a profitable business. You can also start it, if you have a land.You start it as a good farmer and make a lot of profits because it has become a very profitable business, due to the fact that the world's population is growing and food needs too. If you want to do this then I will let you know the advice
Wheat crop production technology

Girl in crop
wheat crop

How to start farm

First of all you need to know about your land
Now I write a few things to youYou must strictly follow the instructions
1. Analysis your soi 
2. Seed knowledge 
3. Plant knowledge 
4. Fertilizer management 
5. Farming rules 
6. Your interesting 
7. Your Passion
8. Pesticides application
9. Harvesting 
10. Good machines
11. Labor monitoring
12. Market to Sell
Wheat crop management


Harvest machine
wheat harvester

Cutting wheat is an important matter, therefore, when harvesting wheat you should use a good machine so that your crops are not bad enough to cut the crop, out of which, to cut through the best Harvesting if you do not make a laugh
Manage your farm

Farm plant

It is very important to know about the plant
I Hope you like it
Others information plz contact me my contact form 

Agriculture information

January 21, 2018 0
Agriculture information

Hybrid seed

Every place has its own prime agricultural products such as cereals, fruits, vegetables, wheat, cotton, maize, mango plant etc and industrial crops. The sustainability of these products can be achieved through the technologically advanced interventions such as irrigation facilities, farm mechanization, planting of crop hybrid varieties, post harvest facilities, integrated pest management, biological control of pest and diseases, organic farming through the use of trichoderma compost activator and vermiculture in the production of organic fertilizers; and the construction of farm to market roads for the accessibility of farm products to the market outlets.
Plant best management
Very good plant

Uses hybrid

The construction of irrigation facilities can increase the area of irrigated ricelands; thereby, increasing the rice production and generate more profits to the rice farmers. Furthermore, this will generate more jobs to the farmers in the localities. In upland areas where the crop production are vegetables, ornamentals and fruit trees, the type of irrigation that can be used are open source pump irrigation, sprinkler or drip pressurized.
Sunflower plant
Hybrid seed


Agriculture farming is the good work of the world 

Farm mechanization can be achieved through the procurement of four-wheel farm tractors for the land preparation in upland areas; and hand tractors or mudboat power tillers in the lowland rice areas. Post harvest facilities are the rice treshers, rice harvesters, rice mills, flat-bed dryers and drying pavements for rice; and corn shellers/ corn mills for corn products.
Agriculture farming

Advanced agriculture technologies

The use of hybrid varieties of crops can increase the production even in the same area; and generate more employment, since more harvest needs more workers especially during harvesting and post harvest activities. More harvest means more income to the farming households.

A technologically advanced agriculture is needed by a technologically advanced society for its sustainability.
Farming is the best method of World 

Corn plant

January 20, 2018 0
Corn plant


How to grow maiz crop
Maize is very popular crop in the world. But few farmers not awareness management of corn crop.  So we have written this article. You will find all the information in this article. If you want to get good income from the corn crop, you should follow it. You can change it according to your area

Before cultivating corn crops, you increased arganic meter in the ground
girl in plant
Girl in crop plant

corn plant care

At sowing time 1.5 bag DAP, 1 bag SOP.
After germination:
10th day: half bag nitrophos + half bag urea + 2kg sulphur.
25th day:
Half bag urea + 1 ammonium sulphate ( engro agri grade ).+ 2 kg  select EDTA chelated zinc  by Kanzo.
45th day:
Half bag nitrophos+ half bag urea.
65th day:
Urea phosphate
1 bag urea+ 12.5 kg water soluble SOP.
In April & May water management should be top priority bcoz that's most important at that stage.
Best & economical other inputs for corn crop are:
Seed treatment: contest ( thiomethagazam ) 50 gms per bag by Kanzo
Potash: use liquid potash 10 liters per

corn plants
Beautiful crop


Weedicide spray within 24 hours of sowing the seed: Click 750 ml by Kanzo.


  • Two applications of "danedar zehar" are must & furadan of Fmc is best. One application as soon as possible & second at 3 to 4 feet stage.

Above information is only based on personal experiences & evaluations, so one can have different point of view.

soil testing

You must need to test the Land before sowing
I hope this will increase the output of more than 100 mund

Drone technology

January 18, 2018 0
Drone technology


The drone technology has brought a revolution in the world of agriculture
Precision agriculture is the practice of growing crops using highly advanced technology, such as geospatial techniques and sensors. This type of agriculture has been practiced for a long time now. It is usually done using GPS technology that utilizes images from satellites to study variations in the state of the crops and to study the condition of the soil. However, there are certain problems in making the use of this technology, such as:
drone technology
Agriculture drones technologies


· The cost of satellite imaging is extremely high and this is why not all the farmers can use it quite often to assist them in farming.

· The availability of this technology is also limited which is one of the major hindrances in the implementation of this technology.


The geospatial technology available in the past was limited to large machinery, such as crop-dusters and other planes. This made it mandatory that a technology more apt for farmers was developed, and it came in the form of the drones or unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). The advantages of drones as an assistant in precision agriculture are quite plenty.


· The images taken using a drone are from a low altitude. You must know that according to FAA no unmanned aerial system can fly 120 meters or 400 feet above the ground. This makes it perfect for taking images required for agricultural purposes.

· The drones remain below the clouds so this also proves to be beneficial in providing clear images of the field, making the assessment of the crops and soil both easier and more precise.

· The cost of the single use of satellite imaging goes above $1000 whereas an agricultural drone costs way less than that. So, it is extremely cost effective to use drones for the precision agriculture.

· The quality of the pictures taken from a drone is way better as they have high resolution cameras that offer better contrast.

The use of drones in agriculture is already taking place and many farmers have resorted to this extremely cost effective and useful technology. There still remains scope of improvement when it comes to the use of drones in agriculture. Some of the areas that require a bit of work include:

· Platform design

· Production

· Establishing standards in image georeferencing as well as ortho mosaics

· The way in which the information is extracted

However, it is important that developments are made keeping the farmers in mind. In fact, if the farmers are looped into the development process then it will deliver amazing results and the agricultural sector is going to benefit immensely from it.

It is a time of technological boom as far as agriculture is concerned. Gone are the days when farmers were technologically illiterate. Today the farmers are not only using the latest technology to increase their produce but are also helping engineers and scientists in developing new tools and methods of farming.

How to test solubility of potash

January 15, 2018 0
How to test solubility of potash

Sulphate of Potash

Potash is very important fertilizer 
Solubility of potash....
sulfate of potash
Potash solubility


Sop is widely used potash fertilizer in Pakistan. Its chemical formula is K2SO4 and it contains 54% K2O and 18% S, if pure. But for commercial use it is available with 50% K2O and 18% S, as it contains some impurities like


, ammonium, sodium and chlorides.
Its solubility is 115 g/litre of water at room temperature. If SOP then solubility of all brands is same. If some fertilizer company claims more soluble SOP then it is not pure SOP. It may be powdered MOP or blend of MOP and

ammonium sulphate

 (both have higher solubility).
There is no SOP of higher solubility, so don't waste your money on buying costly SOP which is assumed more soluble, because that is not SOP.
Other information please contact me
Muhammad Majid Saleem 

Goats management

January 12, 2018 0
Goats management

Best business

Goat is very innocent animal She is expecting her owner  to have a good hope in every environment.
The goat has good habits in it, as they eat less and Someone (grass) eating 
Getting the goats is the Sunnah of every Prophet
It is blessed in this work
Do you want to do this business?
Goat farm

Goat farming tips

You can do it well If you are a good businessman 
You only need to buy some goats
1.Buy the goat of good breeds
2. Good management
3. Must be present on your form
4. Good feed
5. 10 goats should have a for breeding
6. Place for 12 Square Ft Covered Area and 24 Square Ft Open Area for one animal
7. Green grass must feed
8. Leave the animal open so that they eat it (in grass place )
Goat management


Save the goats from the cold
Take care of small baby goats baby goat is very innocent animal

Hard soil

January 11, 2018 0
Hard soil

How to Loosen Hard Soils

Hard soil
How to loosen hard soils

Hard soil

If your land is tough and the crop is not good in your land, then you should test your land, which you will find out which alignments are higher and what is lower in your land. From which you can make a schedule for fertilizers in your land
One of serious problems with Pakistani soil is its hardness, which causes less aeration, less water absorption, retention and infiltration. It causes difficulties in ploughing and other field operations. Such lands in shortage of water dries very quickly, or when flooded it causes waterlogged conditions. Following are causes of hardness and its

Soil Treatment

hard soil solution
Loosen hard soil

Main reason of hardness is presence of excessive amount of sodium. Sodium is monovalent atom having one positive charge, Na+, it attaches itself with negatively charged clay particle. In this way its charge is balanced and cannot attract another clay particle, due to which soil changes to very fine particles, causing fine structure. When dried these fine particles form very compact arrangement causing hardness of soil. Other reasons include geological aspects, high pH, less organic matter and soil compaction due to use of heavy machinery.
#Treatment ;
There are different ways to remove sodium from upper layer of soil and to make it porous and loose.
Hard soil

Plant treatment

1. Deep plough with chezel twice and then level land. Now fertigate calcium nitrate or calcium chloride 30 to 50 kg/acre. Keep standing water in this field for 3 to 4 days. Calcium nitrate and calcium chloride have readily available calcium which will effectively detach sidium from soil and sodium will leach down with water. Calcium is divalent atom Ca++, so it has more attraction for soil particles as compared to sodium. It will remove sodium and will take its place. Then due to divalent nature it will aggregate soil particles which will loosen soil and after one week of treatment soil structure will be much better. This is a quick way to reclaim soil.

2: Dig a hole on one side of affected acre upto level of sand of size 5x5 feet. Level your land, give 2 to 3 ploughing. Then flood it upto 6 inches, most of sodium will dissolve in water. Then after half hour remove this salty water out of field into hole. Repeat this process after 10 days. Take gypsum stones and place in front of tube well delivery. It will slowly add calcium which will further assist in reclaiming.


Along with above practices, always use acidic fertilizers, 20 kg sulfur in each crop, organic matter in form of compost, green manuring whenever possible, and chezel plough atleast once in a year will make your soil much more rich, loosen and well structured.

Wheat crop management

January 10, 2018 3
Wheat crop management

Wheat management

You are follow this role and above 70+ production per acre

How can wheat production be taken more than 70 munds+ per acre

First of all, analyze your land And set up your farming program according to the fertilizers in the earth

Land Management

Usually, it has been observed that many fields lack substantial fertilizers
We will tell you the schedule of fertilizers for wheat completely 
land cultivation
Before cultivation

Fertilizer plan

1.You prepare your land in a good way
2.At the time of the preparation of the ground, you should put 2 bags DAP or any good phosphorus source

3. Add half a bag of urea with it
4. Also add 5 to 10kg magnesium sulfate
5. 1 bag sop 25 kg
6. If you have a sample of salt in your land, then take 10 bags of gypsum

7. Add Sulfur 8 to 10kg

After putting these things into the land
You cultivate wheat

Seed treatment

Early November cultivate  50kg seed of wheat
Late November cultivate  60 kg seed of wheat

Seed treatment is must by fungicide pesticides
Drill seed in land or
Depending on you how cultivate it

First irrigation

The first water depends on your cultivation
The first water is generally used for 21 to 25 days
Watering the first wheat is very important because wheat consumes its roots due to the first water supply of wheat and it is used well to fertilize.
wheat crop
After first irrigation

1.In this, use half a bag urea
2. 5 kg zinc sulfate
3. 1 kg copper
4. 3 kg bric acid
5. 2 to 3 kg Fer
Mix in drum and flood your land
After 8 to 10 days of watering

Sapray for weeds

After spray
And half bag urea throw in land
second irrigation  wheat
After second irrigation

Second irrigation

50 to 60  later
1. Just 1 bag urea or (any nitrogen source)

After second irrigation
Spray for weeds

3/4 days after weed spray
1 liter NPK mix 100 liter Water
Spray your wheat crop

3rd irrigation

1. Half Bag urea or any nitrogen source
2. Potash liquid 10 liter
3. urea phosphate 20 kg
After irrigation
Spray high quality NPK

I think If you do this properly, God will increase your production more than 70 munds per acre