Agriculture Livestock

Drone technology

January 18, 2018 0
Drone technology


The drone technology has brought a revolution in the world of agriculture
Precision agriculture is the practice of growing crops using highly advanced technology, such as geospatial techniques and sensors. This type of agriculture has been practiced for a long time now. It is usually done using GPS technology that utilizes images from satellites to study variations in the state of the crops and to study the condition of the soil. However, there are certain problems in making the use of this technology, such as:
drone technology
Agriculture drones technologies


· The cost of satellite imaging is extremely high and this is why not all the farmers can use it quite often to assist them in farming.

· The availability of this technology is also limited which is one of the major hindrances in the implementation of this technology.


The geospatial technology available in the past was limited to large machinery, such as crop-dusters and other planes. This made it mandatory that a technology more apt for farmers was developed, and it came in the form of the drones or unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). The advantages of drones as an assistant in precision agriculture are quite plenty.


· The images taken using a drone are from a low altitude. You must know that according to FAA no unmanned aerial system can fly 120 meters or 400 feet above the ground. This makes it perfect for taking images required for agricultural purposes.

· The drones remain below the clouds so this also proves to be beneficial in providing clear images of the field, making the assessment of the crops and soil both easier and more precise.

· The cost of the single use of satellite imaging goes above $1000 whereas an agricultural drone costs way less than that. So, it is extremely cost effective to use drones for the precision agriculture.

· The quality of the pictures taken from a drone is way better as they have high resolution cameras that offer better contrast.

The use of drones in agriculture is already taking place and many farmers have resorted to this extremely cost effective and useful technology. There still remains scope of improvement when it comes to the use of drones in agriculture. Some of the areas that require a bit of work include:

· Platform design

· Production

· Establishing standards in image georeferencing as well as ortho mosaics

· The way in which the information is extracted

However, it is important that developments are made keeping the farmers in mind. In fact, if the farmers are looped into the development process then it will deliver amazing results and the agricultural sector is going to benefit immensely from it.

It is a time of technological boom as far as agriculture is concerned. Gone are the days when farmers were technologically illiterate. Today the farmers are not only using the latest technology to increase their produce but are also helping engineers and scientists in developing new tools and methods of farming.

How to test solubility of potash

January 15, 2018 0
How to test solubility of potash

Sulphate of Potash

Potash is very important fertilizer 
Solubility of potash....
sulfate of potash
Potash solubility


Sop is widely used potash fertilizer in Pakistan. Its chemical formula is K2SO4 and it contains 54% K2O and 18% S, if pure. But for commercial use it is available with 50% K2O and 18% S, as it contains some impurities like


, ammonium, sodium and chlorides.
Its solubility is 115 g/litre of water at room temperature. If SOP then solubility of all brands is same. If some fertilizer company claims more soluble SOP then it is not pure SOP. It may be powdered MOP or blend of MOP and

ammonium sulphate

 (both have higher solubility).
There is no SOP of higher solubility, so don't waste your money on buying costly SOP which is assumed more soluble, because that is not SOP.
Other information please contact me
Muhammad Majid Saleem 

Goats management

January 12, 2018 0
Goats management

Best business

Goat is very innocent animal She is expecting her owner  to have a good hope in every environment.
The goat has good habits in it, as they eat less and Someone (grass) eating 
Getting the goats is the Sunnah of every Prophet
It is blessed in this work
Do you want to do this business?
Goat farm

Goat farming tips

You can do it well If you are a good businessman 
You only need to buy some goats
1.Buy the goat of good breeds
2. Good management
3. Must be present on your form
4. Good feed
5. 10 goats should have a for breeding
6. Place for 12 Square Ft Covered Area and 24 Square Ft Open Area for one animal
7. Green grass must feed
8. Leave the animal open so that they eat it (in grass place )
Goat management


Save the goats from the cold
Take care of small baby goats baby goat is very innocent animal

Hard soil

January 11, 2018 0
Hard soil

How to Loosen Hard Soils

Hard soil
How to loosen hard soils

Hard soil

If your land is tough and the crop is not good in your land, then you should test your land, which you will find out which alignments are higher and what is lower in your land. From which you can make a schedule for fertilizers in your land
One of serious problems with Pakistani soil is its hardness, which causes less aeration, less water absorption, retention and infiltration. It causes difficulties in ploughing and other field operations. Such lands in shortage of water dries very quickly, or when flooded it causes waterlogged conditions. Following are causes of hardness and its

Soil Treatment

hard soil solution
Loosen hard soil

Main reason of hardness is presence of excessive amount of sodium. Sodium is monovalent atom having one positive charge, Na+, it attaches itself with negatively charged clay particle. In this way its charge is balanced and cannot attract another clay particle, due to which soil changes to very fine particles, causing fine structure. When dried these fine particles form very compact arrangement causing hardness of soil. Other reasons include geological aspects, high pH, less organic matter and soil compaction due to use of heavy machinery.
#Treatment ;
There are different ways to remove sodium from upper layer of soil and to make it porous and loose.
Hard soil

Plant treatment

1. Deep plough with chezel twice and then level land. Now fertigate calcium nitrate or calcium chloride 30 to 50 kg/acre. Keep standing water in this field for 3 to 4 days. Calcium nitrate and calcium chloride have readily available calcium which will effectively detach sidium from soil and sodium will leach down with water. Calcium is divalent atom Ca++, so it has more attraction for soil particles as compared to sodium. It will remove sodium and will take its place. Then due to divalent nature it will aggregate soil particles which will loosen soil and after one week of treatment soil structure will be much better. This is a quick way to reclaim soil.

2: Dig a hole on one side of affected acre upto level of sand of size 5x5 feet. Level your land, give 2 to 3 ploughing. Then flood it upto 6 inches, most of sodium will dissolve in water. Then after half hour remove this salty water out of field into hole. Repeat this process after 10 days. Take gypsum stones and place in front of tube well delivery. It will slowly add calcium which will further assist in reclaiming.


Along with above practices, always use acidic fertilizers, 20 kg sulfur in each crop, organic matter in form of compost, green manuring whenever possible, and chezel plough atleast once in a year will make your soil much more rich, loosen and well structured.

Wheat crop management

January 10, 2018 3
Wheat crop management

Wheat management

You are follow this role and above 70+ production per acre

How can wheat production be taken more than 70 munds+ per acre

First of all, analyze your land And set up your farming program according to the fertilizers in the earth

Land Management

Usually, it has been observed that many fields lack substantial fertilizers
We will tell you the schedule of fertilizers for wheat completely 
land cultivation
Before cultivation

Fertilizer plan

1.You prepare your land in a good way
2.At the time of the preparation of the ground, you should put 2 bags DAP or any good phosphorus source

3. Add half a bag of urea with it
4. Also add 5 to 10kg magnesium sulfate
5. 1 bag sop 25 kg
6. If you have a sample of salt in your land, then take 10 bags of gypsum

7. Add Sulfur 8 to 10kg

After putting these things into the land
You cultivate wheat

Seed treatment

Early November cultivate  50kg seed of wheat
Late November cultivate  60 kg seed of wheat

Seed treatment is must by fungicide pesticides
Drill seed in land or
Depending on you how cultivate it

First irrigation

The first water depends on your cultivation
The first water is generally used for 21 to 25 days
Watering the first wheat is very important because wheat consumes its roots due to the first water supply of wheat and it is used well to fertilize.
wheat crop
After first irrigation

1.In this, use half a bag urea
2. 5 kg zinc sulfate
3. 1 kg copper
4. 3 kg bric acid
5. 2 to 3 kg Fer
Mix in drum and flood your land
After 8 to 10 days of watering

Sapray for weeds

After spray
And half bag urea throw in land
second irrigation  wheat
After second irrigation

Second irrigation

50 to 60  later
1. Just 1 bag urea or (any nitrogen source)

After second irrigation
Spray for weeds

3/4 days after weed spray
1 liter NPK mix 100 liter Water
Spray your wheat crop

3rd irrigation

1. Half Bag urea or any nitrogen source
2. Potash liquid 10 liter
3. urea phosphate 20 kg
After irrigation
Spray high quality NPK

I think If you do this properly, God will increase your production more than 70 munds per acre