Agriculture Livestock

Organic Fertilizers and Compost

January 02, 2018 0
Organic Fertilizers and Compost


If you do not use chemicals and just try to fertilize your plants the organic way it can prove to be a pretty difficult task. Chemical fertilizers are definitely more convenient. Most of them come in a form that must be mixed with water followed by being sprayed on the plants. But organic gardeners also have a great way to fertilize their garden, namely compost.
Compost organic

Organic fertilizer

You must pay particular attention to the package in case you intend to buy the store ready compost. Some of them are high in one of the major nutrients, but lack other important ones. Plants usually need nitrogen, phosphorus plus potassium. Specialists recommend that you study what your plants need and choose a pre made compost that will suit your plant's needs.
Our mission organic world

When you fertilize you must be careful when you do it since the soil should be warm. For the fertilizer to work, it needs certain organisms from the soil to release the nutrients, which the fertilizer possesses.

A few of the most organic fertilizers are fish emulsion, cottonseed, blood meal, manure, compost, and seaweed. Most of the above mentioned fertilizers can be bought, but most of them can actually be made at home.

Fish emulsion is a popular organic fertilizer. It's a combination made mostly of decomposed fish. This is a nitrogen-based fertilizer, and it also includes lots of trace elements that can help the plant grow. Fish emulsion is a beneficial, well-balanced fertilizer.

Cottonseed meal

 is also a much-used organic fertilizer. It's a byproduct of cotton's production process. It's ideal for acid-loving plants, as it creates an acid reaction in the soil. It usually contains about 7% nitrogen, 3% phosphorus, potash plus 2%. Cottonseed meal is usually used for flowering plants like azaleas plus rhododendrons.

Blood meal is blood that is purchased from cattle slaughterhouses then dried and mixed into powder. It's high nitrogen content, you must be cautious so not to burn the plants. You should never dosed more than the recommended amount, since extra dosage could have a negative effect on your plant. Blood meal is high in some micronutrients such as iron.

Manure is a balanced fertilizer, but it's comparatively low in the nutrients it contains. It's a well-liked fertilizer, but it just is not high in these important nutrients to make it a viable choice for gardeners.

Some people use their sewage sludge as a fertilizer. It's made from recycled material from wastewater treatment plants. You are able to buy activated sludge, which has more nutrients.

Organic gardeners

 often use seaweed fertilizer in the type of seaweed tea. Dried seaweed is mixed with water and brewed like tea, and then it is used like any other liquid fertilizer. This can be an excellent fertilizer especially that it won't burn plants. It's rich in nutrients.
More Best organic fertilizers compost and tips contact me

Blueberry Plants

January 02, 2018 0
Blueberry Plants

Organic blueberry 

This article lists the seasonal duties that need to be performed to insure strong and fruitful plants. For any plant that produces fruit you should not add too much or too little fertilizer, because too much fertilizer can be toxic to your plant or result in nutrient imbalances. Blueberries are very sensitive to over fertilization.

Schedule for Annual Fertilization for Organically Grown Blueberries

This is a fertilization program for blueberry plants developed over time by a successful organic grower of blueberry plants.

Early to mid-spring top-dress the blueberries with a balanced organic fertilizer such as Re-Vita Pro fertilizer (5-4-5). This is an all natural blend with higher nitrogen and potash levels Spread about 1/4 to 1/2 pound uniformly around the plant. The amount you apply depends on the age and size of the plant (more fertilizer for older plants and less for younger plants). If you use alfalfa pellets, you should double the amounts suggested above for the Re-Vita Pro. Fox Farm Soil and Fertilizer Company market an organic, acid-loving fertilizer for plants that is good for blueberries. Their fertilizers are built around the use of earthworm castings.)

After flowers have fallen, begin applying the liquid fertilizer to the plants. This is applied every two weeks through July. The liquid fertilizer can be delivered though drip irrigation system, and applied only to the root zone.

Recipe for Liquid Fertilizer

Aerated compost tea:

 To make a 1 gallon of mixture, add the following amounts to 1 gallon of aerated compost tea: The aerated compost tea is important because it will add healthy microbes to the soil which will make the nutrients in the soil more available to the plants.
Add 2 tablespoon Neptune's Harvest Hydrolyzed Fish Fertilizer --(2-4-1).
Add ½ tablespoon Maxicrop Liquidized Sea weed or other liquid kelp.
Add ½ tablespoon Black strap molasses.
You can irrigate the day before applying the liquid fertilizer mixture. Typically on mature plants apply about 5 gallon, use less for younger plants. For young plants just planted last year use 1 to 2 gallons of this mixture. Smaller lowbush plants require less than highbush plants.

You can also use this solution to foliar feed the plants. However, leave out the hydrolyzed Fish Fertilizer part if you foliar spray plants with blueberries that are ripening.

When using water that is a little alkaline, you can put in some vinegar in the mixture.

Another critical feature of a good fertility program is mulching. Mulch breaks down over time to provide nutrients to the blueberry plants that is not available in commercial fertilizers. The mulch should be at least 3 1/2 inches thick. The mulch needs to be very coarse and porous so that water can percolate through the mulch easily. This is the reason the leaves need to be chopped or shredded otherwise they repel water from entering the growing area. The compost tea will add microbes which will break down the mulch proving nutrients to the plants. Adding some nitrogen to the mulch will help the microbes break down the mulch and release nutrients for the plants.


This article lists the seasonal duties that need to be performed to insure strong and fruitful plants. A schedule for annual fertilization for organically grown blueberries is discussed. This is a fertilization program for blueberry plants developed over time by a successful organic grower of blueberry plants.

Organic Soil Greensand

January 02, 2018 0
Organic Soil Greensand

Organic fertilizers

Greensand - An Organic Soil Amendment For a Better Tasting Tomato

Greensand is a naturally occurring iron-potassium silicate, also know as glauconite. It is what your tomatoes need to get that extra boost, it is full of the vitamins and minerals that tomato plants need to produce a thriving crop with an intensely flavored fruit. It is also an excellent choice of fertilize to use for your roses to prolong their blooms next year. Roses along with other flowers thrive on Greensand, it is a supply of marine
The crop is very beneficial
Organic fertilizer


, silica, iron oxide, magnesia, lime, phosphoric acid and other trace minerals, about 30 other trace minerals.


 will improve the health of your plants, it is a great choice of a soil amendment to loosen heavy type clay soils and it is 100 percent organic, along with being environment friendly. It is a natural mineral that can not only be used to opens up tight soil like clay, it will bind loose sandy soils and retain one third if it's weight with water.

Greensand is a sand type sediment, granules of dark greenish glauconite, that is usually mixed with clay or sand. A few places that it is mined in the United States are in Arkansas, New Jersey and Texas.

The main component of Greensand is potash and a hydrated silicate of iron. It releases it's nutrients through a exchange action in the soil so it can easily be taken up by plants. The recommended application for Greensand is 2-4 pounds to every 100 square feet. It is non-soluble in water but will not burn plants. Safe to handle, odorless and can be applied anytime of the year.

A environment friendly and healthy way of gardening.

Organic Gardening

 is away of gardening in harmony with nature. Growing a healthy and productive crop in a way that is healthier for both you and the environment.
It is very important for Organic Culture that we understand Bacteria culture

Plant fertilizer

January 02, 2018 0
Plant fertilizer

How to use npk

About Plant Fertilizer and Their Composition
I normally discuss Bonsai, but since bonsai are tree's, that are plants, this subject is appropriate.

A plant is composed of four basic elements. The first three are carbon, oxygen and hydrogen. They form a complex protein called albumine. They represent 94% of a plant composition. The other 6% are composed of 13 others elements. These are classified in two categories. The first one being the macroelements and the last being the microelements.

The first group, the macroelements, is composed of six components and must be present in greater quantities then the rest. Three (3) of them are most common and are often symbolised by "NPK". They are :

Npk - Nitrogen

Nitrogen best growth regulator

Nitrogen will promote leaves development and give them a deep green coloration. Evergreen prefer a high nitrogen content fertilizer because of the acidity and it help keep the needles/foliage deep green. Nitrogen is the vital element of plant growth as it help compose the albumine protein.
Nitrogen is a very important part for any crop

nPk - Phosphorous

Phosphorous will give the plant the energy it need to develop cells. It also promote amidon and glucose by accelerating the chlorophyl process. Another role of the phosporous element is to promote roots development. Strong roots are essential for plants to absorb all the mineral and water they can get. Flowering and fructification are also affected by phosphorous presence since plant tend to produce more when fed a proper portion of phosphorous. We can compare phosphorous to the plant as essential as the frame and the fondation of a house.

npK - Potash

Potash salt control all aspect of the plant metabolism. It help prevent diseases and resist to insects by improving the quality of the plant fiber. Altough Phosphorous is essential for flowering, potash will help a plant stay strong while it produce flowers, fruits and vegetables. It also help distribute to roots, branches and leaves, the amidon and glucose produce by photosynthesis.

The three last macro-elements are calcium, sulfur and magnesium. Magnesium is the most essential as it's the principal component of the chlorophyl.

The remaining 7 of the 13 elements, are the microelements wich consist of manganese, iron, copper, boron, molubdenum, zinc and chlorine. These are present in much smaller quantities but are still necessary for the plants development.

With that being said, there is no doubt that the best fertilizer will be the one that can provide all of the previously mentionned elements. And this is what we will usually find in store. The most common fertilizer are the represented by three number, much like 20-20-20. These three numbers refer to the previously mentionned NPK elements being NN-PP-KK. You will also, find a three numbered fertilizer stating in contain oligo/micro-elements. Oligo/Micro-elements are the rest of the thirteen (13) elements mentionned. As almost all fertilizer are containing the NPK elements, but are containing different oligo/micro-elements it is best to switch fertilizer every other feeding to assure the maximum presence of macro-microelements.

I cannot write without talking about bonsai. Well bonsai are plants, but namely tree's. Same apply's for fertilizing bonsai. You must evaluate the needs of each species as they are different, but a general rule with bonsai enthusiast is to use a low content fertilizer and fertilize more often. For example, anything below 4-5 is considered low compare to the regular 20-20-20. Again each tree as it's needs, as evergreen could require more nitrogen, so something rated like 3-2-1 would be ideal. To the opposite, a flowering and fruiting species, will require more potash and phosphorous content, so a 2-4-4 would be in order.
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Bacteria microbuil

January 02, 2018 0
Bacteria microbuil


Have you ever thought how the microbes could change the economies of big agricultural companies? The faster period for development and fewer regulatory obstacles along with the increased need to minimize environmental impact boosts the microbial pesticide market growth. Microbes have stormed the conventional agriculture market. Read along to get interesting insights!
This picture of bacteria and fungicide
Bacteria culture

Pesticides microbes

  • Microbial pesticides

 are derived from microorganisms, like bacteria, virus, or fungi, used to control other biological pests, e.g., insects. Compared to other commonly used pesticides, they are safe for both users and consumers of treated crops. These are also known as biological pathogens and bio-control agents. Industry leaders are shifting toward strategies, such as mergers and acquisitions, along with collaborations, to explore the microbial technologies that can be used in the field of agriculture, as microbes have now successfully joined the war against cop killers.
Siol problems

How are they changing the crop protection market dynamics?

• The toxicity of the microbial pesticides is very much species-specific, i.e., they do not directly affect the beneficial predators or parasites of pests in applied areas.

• As the product has no or very low residual effects, it can easily be applied even when a crop is almost ready to harvest.

• Records have shown that pests tend to become resistant to conventional pesticides, thus, proving that pesticides are not a long-term solution, something that never happens with the use of microbial pesticides.

• The cost of development of microbial pesticide is low compared to conventional pesticides.

A coin has two sides, so does the use of Microbial Pesticides:

The disadvantages or limitations do not hamper the successful application of microbial pesticides. A better understanding will help users choose effective products, and take necessary steps to achieve successful results.

• As the products are species-specific, each application may control only a portion of the pests present.

• Lack of consumer awareness about organic pesticides and fertilizers

. Use microorganisms for best organic culture 

Market Dynamics-

A growing need for sustainable agriculture.

The role of germs is very important for the success of any crop
North America is the largest market for it. However, the increasing demand in the developing markets, such as Asia-Pacific and Latin America, is expected to provide further growth opportunity and the growing potential of microbial pesticide. In the European Union, the systematic review of chemical pesticides that thinned approved products list from about 1,000 to 300, effectively instigated research into alternative products with new modes of action. The potential for microbial pesticides is expected to have a significant impact on the industry, going forward.

Of the total microbial crop protection products, bacterial-based products occupy the largest share of 60%, followed by fungi, virus, and others. To date, only a small percentage of species have been considered for microbial usage. Many potential microbes remain undiscovered. The global microbial crop protection scenario suggests that almost 322 Bt-based products occupy more than 53% of the market, while almost 50% of these products are consumed in America, particularly in the United States and Canada.
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Future of the Market:

 Increasing health consciousness among people has created a demand for organic food. This indicates huge scope for growth of the bio-pesticides market. The stress on organic farming and on residue free commodities would certainly warrant increased adoption of microbial pesticides by farmers.
Hard soil